News, Trainings and Events
Here you can find links to what SEA and WEA have to offer for professional development, trainings and upcoming events.
The main way SEA communicates with members is through our weekly newsletter called INK. It's sent most Fridays to your HOME email address. If you don't recieve INK newsletters, contact us. |
Save the Date: NAKIA Academy and CAMI (Coaching and Mentoring Institute) in Spokane!
NAKIA: Read more and register here.
We are excited to offer the first Spokane NAKIA Academy cohort for Spokane area educators. This is a continuation and expansion of the partnership between OSPI's BEST program, WEA and the addition of the WA State Counselors' Association (WSCA) where we are currently engaging authentically with 700+ POC member leaders/organizers as they continue to lead, organize, and create equitable spaces for all stakeholders in education around WA using coaching and mentoring practices learned in this academy. This academy is for and by BIPOC educators to create a "safe space" for community building and professional learning. This is not a "program" but a community that is in continuous growth and support.
If you are not a BIPOC educator, please consider signing up for the Spokane CAMI (coaching and mentoring institute), which is open to all. More information on CAMI is included below.
This workshop is paid for by your union as a benefit of membership and you earn 24 free clock hours. SPS employees may be able to use this toward PERT hours.
You must be available and attend all 8 in person sessions. These will be held at the SEA office - 230 E Montgomery. Saturdays from 9am -12pm including a free lunch from 12-1pm.
NAKIA dates: 10/19, 11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15
CAMI: Registration coming soon
The Coaching and Mentoring Institute is a blended program intended for an affiliate led team of teacher leaders to develop coaching and mentoring skills by collaborating on meaningful projects and participating in hands-on learning experiences.
· This is a benefit of your SEA/WEA/NEA membership, it is paid for by your union and free to you.
· Completing the Institute helps you to support student success beyond the walls of your classroom.
· Provides you with an opportunity to grow across the career continuum
· Supports you while you are learning to apply new coaching and mentoring skills and strategies
· Helps to build your resume
CAMI is held on the same dates as NAKIA. Participants from both sessions will share a meal together, for CAMI the lunch is provided right before your sessions start. Participants are expected to attend all sessions and will earn free clock hours. SPS employees may be able to use this for PERT hours.
CAMI is held on Saturdays from 1-3pm with lunch from 12-1. Dates: 10/19, 11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15
Location: SEA office at 230 E Montgomery Ave