NEA Representative Assembly Candidate Information
**Names appear below in randmon order**
Gayle McDowell | |
Brandon Hollen |
Hello! My name is Brandon Hollen and I am an English teacher at North Central and have been with SPS for almost nine years. I was a union representative for three years at On Track Academy and this is my first as a representative at NC. I am excited to get back into the business of working to influence positive changes at all levels (local, state, and national, I hope) to benefit teachers, all support staff, and, most of all, students. A happy, healthy workforce ensures we can give our best to our students AND to our own families. Work/life balance is important and can be achieved through realistic expectations, reasonable workloads, and appropriate support. |
David Perry |
My name is David Perry. I am blessed with a wonderful wife and 3 children. I have been teaching for 14 years and working for Spokane Schools at Franklin Elementary for the last 9 years. I have served as the union rep. for Franklin 7 of those 9 years. I am currently on the SEA Executive Board as the Ferris Zone Representative. I recently attended political action training in Olympia where I lobbied our State Legislators to increase Special Education funding and increased pay for our ESP workers. I will be going back to Olympia on President's Day to continue lobbying efforts with others in SEA for Washington State's Lobby Day. I am thankful for the chance to represent SEA at the State and National level. Please consider me as your choice for NEA RA. |
Jim Heath | |
Casey Pilgeram |
Casey, a mother of two, brings a decade of school psychology experience (pre-K through high school), including four years in Chicago Public Schools. Raised by a single mother in Western Montana and Sandpoint, Idaho, she is a child of public education. A big fan of humans, fueled by a lifelong interest in power, identity, and potentiality, Casey holds degrees in Political Science & Women/Gender Studies from DePaul University, later pursuing school psychology. Last year, on the brink of leaving education, Casey's perspective fundamentally shifted after learning the history of Prussia’s influence on American education. She gained clarity about the ways the Prussian paradigm, still operational in schools nationwide, conflicted with the brain’s optimal learning conditions. This insight reignited her passion to stay in schools and work together for positive change. During a straw poll of approximately 800 educators at the 2023 WEA Representatives Assembly, she learned roughly 95% were unaware of our educational system’s Prussian roots. She introduced a New Business Item, which advanced onto committee, to shed light on this history. Inspired to bring this awareness to a national stage, Casey envisions a future where understanding our past empowers us to shape a brighter education for generations to come. |
Ginger Alberry |
Ginger Alberry – I am currently a ASB Bookkeeper with North Central High School and have been working for the district for the last 13 years. I am currently loving my new position at the high school and previously worked at Frances Scott Elementary for the last 11 years. I currently wear many hats with our union: Secretary bargain group, Secretary leadership, Executive board member for ESP’s with prior 9 years of building rep experience. I have attended WEA Rep Assembly for several years and love the energy and all of the topics from around our state. I have held the title of NEA state rep for 2 years and had learned so much at the Minnesota & Texas rep assemblies, I would love your vote for this years Rep assembly. To go to the NEA Rep assembly to experience the topics and information that all of our states share the needs of our members and address concerns our country faces in these time. |
Dean Tyler-Babkirk |
As a fourth-generation teacher, the legacy of union membership and active engagement runs deep in my family. My grandmother's inspiring role as a delegate to the NEA RA in the 1950s ignited my passion for advocacy in education. With 28 years dedicated to teaching Art and Publications at Shaw Middle School, I am a National Board Certified Teacher and have served as a building representative for over 14 years. In this capacity, I actively contributed to expanding our building representation, encouraging colleagues to embrace union involvement.
Melissa Krall | |
Spring Shoupe | |
Dale Moses | |
Brenda Cunningham | |
Ellen Gillespie |